Outdoor Summer Film Series! Part 1: Migration and Exile

Join Tadamon! for a summer film series exploring a range of realities and struggles – from those in exile, migrating due to occupation and war, to the struggles of workers against neoliberalism in Egypt. This event is co-organized by the Submedia Collective.

Sunday July 30th @ 7pm
Parc Jarry
Corner of St-Laurent and Villeray
(metro De Castelnau)
Facebook event
Films to be shown:
1. Trouble #3: Refugees Welcome
Directed by Submedia Collective
In our current age of resurgent nationalism, anti-migrant xenophobia and increasing border militarization, it can be easy to lose track of the central role that migration has played in shaping the spaces we inhabit. The richness and depth of human history comes from the countless individual and collective journeys that we, or our ancestors before us, have taken to get to where we are now — wherever that might be. The so-called “refugee crisis” that has dominated headlines for the past several years is not a new phenomenon, nor is it a passing phase. As our world stands on the precipice of more destabilizing wars waged over declining resources, a deepening of structural economic inequality and the onset of cataclysmic climate change, even more dramatic movements of human populations are inevitable. What is not yet inevitable is how humanity will respond to this crisis.
2. Exils / Ghorbet[1] (2016) de Marwen Tlili
This film tells the personal journey of the director who grew up in Tunisia and who has been exiled for 18 years. A history of adaptations, hopes, disappointments, mental health and addictions. An exploration, through the history of three characters, of the question of the relation to oneself and of the relation to the other in itself, in the complex framework of the immigration and the exile.
3. The Sea Between Us, Refuge, Border are films on the struggles of Refugees from their passage across the Aegean Sea to Europe, seeking refuge and lives of less precarity- A series of shorts by Caoumi Butterly
The Border: All of these films are shot in A glimpse of the quietly devastating impacts of border closures, and reflections of some of the women and men stranded in Idomeni, Greece, as they seek refuge in Europe.
Refuge: Reflections of some of those stuck in indefinite limbo in Vasilika refugee camp in Northern Greece. Raneem and Leila, Ella, Mohammed and Hassan talk about their journeys, their hopes, frustrations and experiences of ongoing injustice.
Organized by: Tadamon! Montreal, Submedia and Projections insurgées / Insurgent Projections
Part 2 of Tadamon! Outdoor Summer Film Series!