Demonstration: End Israel’s Siege on Gaza! End Israeli Apartheid!

- Appeal for a Palestine solidarity bloc within the
global day of action against the ‘war on terror’…

- SATURDAY, MARCH 15th, 12h30
Dorchester Square
corner Peel & René-Lévesque
metro Peel
- in collaboration with Échec à la guerre
Gaza is under siege. Israel is imposing collective punishment on the 1.5 million Palestinians of Gaza, who continue to face chronic shortages of electricity, fuel, food and basic necessities in the context of an ongoing campaign of military violence executed by the apartheid state of Israel. In the past weeks Israeli attacks on Gaza have left 120 Palestinians dead and over 300 injured; of those killed during the past week at least 95 have been civilians.
organized by:
Al-Hidaya Association
Alternatives Montréal
Association des jeunes libanais musulmans (AJLM)
Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (ASSÉ)
Block the Empire
Bolivarian Society of Quebec
Canadian Palestinian Foundation of Quebec (CPF-Q)
Centre communautaire musulman de Montréal
Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees
Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine (CJPP)
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA)
Immigrant Workers Center (IWC)
Muslim Students Association (MSA)
Muslim Council of Montreal
Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR)
Syrian Students Association, Montreal
Tadamon! Montreal
* Information:
514 664 1036 / /
De qui est ce dessins sublime?
Comment by sanaa — January 11th, 2009 @ 3:36 PMI’m not a Zionist nor a supporter of the State of Israel in any way shape or form, but when it comes to Muslims should be more careful in what they say!
Comment by Mordechai — November 3rd, 2009 @ 6:33 PMAt those ralleys, looking on the occassions when cameras where present, some of the posters or slogans shouted are more anti Semitic then anti-Israel/Zionist!
You would have more support if you would organise things in a more civil way.
Slogans including words like “death”, “kill” , “jews”, etc… will make Islam look bad and cause muslims to suffer more discrimination by those opposing immigration, from Muslim Countries, to Quebec and Canada in general.
Do not only yourself a favour but also Islam in general, by behaving in a more civil way.
Please allow me to stress that I do not generalise and am only giving my point of view and suggestions.
May Jews and Muslims come closer and be able to live in peace and harmony!