6-7-8 September 2017, 7pm
Cinémathèque Québécoise
335, boul. De Maisonneuve Est
(Métro Berri-UQAM)
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Syria eludes simple meaning. Today, Syria stands, at once, for what is fleeting and momentary and for what is universal and enduring. Sometimes, Syria symbolizes the consequences of the short-term, self-interested geo-political calculations of states. At other times, Syria represents what is fundamental and perennial in the human experience. Film conjures, captures and clarifies events, actions and conditions. It interprets and invites interpretation. This 2nd edition of Syria Sees You – a showcase of contemporary Syrian cinema – gives voice and place to film’s part in the telling of the story of Syria’s difficult present.
The films selected for this year’s series explore the ways in which Syria is lived, grasped, remembered and narrated, from the people’s uprising, to the moment of mass displacement, to the social division of people and space, to the standoffs and showdowns of continued struggle on multiple fronts.
The works chosen for this program are an opening onto the world of shared, overlapping and contested meanings that Syria has come to embody.
September 6, 2017, 7pm, Cinémathèque québécoise
Coma – Sara Fattahi – Syria, Lebanon 2015 – 97min -Arabic, French s.t.
September 7, 2017, 7pm, Cinémathèque québécoise
300 Miles – Orwa Al Mokdad – Syria, Lebanon 2016 – 95 min – o.v. Arabic, English subtitles
September 8, 2017, 7pm, Cinémathèque québécoise
A selection of short films:
To Climb a Tree – Rafia Salameh – Syria, Lebanon 2016 – 21 min – o.v. Arabic, English subtitles
A Day and a Button – Azza Hamwi – Syria, Lebanon 2015 – 6m49 – o.v. Arabic, English subtitles
The Boy and The Sea – Samer Ajouri – Syria, Lebanon 2016 – 6 min – without dialogue
A Home on a Rainbow – Rami Nihawi, Lina Alabed, Nadim Deaibes – Syria, Lebanon 2015 – 14m14 – o.v. Arabic, English subtitles.
Now: End of Season – Ayman Nahle – Syria, Lebanon 2015 – 20 min – o.v. Arabic, English subtitles
For description of all films:
Regards Syriens Collective in collaboration with Cinémathèque québécoise; McGill University Institute of Islamic Studies; Concordia University Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema; Tadamon! Montréal; À l’espace Syrie
Thank you Bidayyat http://www.bidayyat.org