From the Outside In: Connecting Political Prisoner Struggles

Saturday March 17, 2018
Association Récréative Milton-Parc
3580 Jeanne Mance, H2X 2N6
Metro Place-des-Arts, or bus #80
In many ways, prisons are foundational to colonialism and apartheid, serving to remove people from their communities and repress movements for self-determination.
According to Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights association, there are currently 6119 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails. While imprisoned, Palestinian prisoners face a separate, military justice system characterized by low standard of evidence, disparate sentencing, and an acceptance of torture. Many experience mistreatment in the form of coercive interrogation, solitary confinement, sleep and food deprivation, and restrictions on family visits. Dozens of political prisoners also remain incarcerated in the so-called United States for their involvement in anti-colonial, anti-imperialist and racial justice struggles. Despite the many years spent behind bar — over 40 in many cases — political prisoners continue to play an integral role in liberation movements, including solidarity with Palestinian struggle.They face repression including extended periods of solitary confinement,beatings, and the punitive denial of parole and medical care..
Join us for a panel examining resistance both inside and outside prisons- including solidarity declarations, demonstrations and hunger strikes, such as the recent #DignityStrike of 2017. This event also aims to connect prisoner struggles and highlight ongoing solidarity across borders and prison walls.
This event is taking place as part of Israeli Apartheid Week 2018. More information is available here or on facebook:
Sahar Francis (via Skype): Since 2006, Sahar Francis has been the General Director of Ramallah-based Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, a Palestinian NGO providing legal and advocacy support to Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli and Palestinian prisons. An attorney by training, she joined the association in 1998, first as a human rights lawyer, then as head of the Legal Unit. With over sixteen years of human rights experience, including human rights counseling and representation, Ms. Francis also was on the Board of Defence for Children International – Palestine Section for 4 years, and currently sets in the Board of the Union of Agricultural Work Committees. Sahar did her practice on Human Rights in the Society of Saint Yves in Jerusalem, on issues of Land confiscations, house demolitions, labor rights and freedom of movement. On 1997 worked in Badil Refugee Rights Center, in the legal unit. Sahar did her masters in International Studies at Bir Zeit University, and her Law degree at Haifa University .
Helen Hudson: Helen Hudson is a member of the Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners calendar collective, a joint project between US political prisoners and outside supporters. A portion of the funds raised by the Certain Days calendar are donated to Addameer each year.
Yafa Jarrar: Yafa Jarrar was born in Jerusalem and raised in Ramallah, Palestine. She moved to Canada in 2003. Yafa has been involved with the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement in Palestine and internationally since the BDS call in 2005. Both of Yafa’s parents have been political prisoners in Israeli prisons. Her mother, Khalida Jarrar, an elected member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, is currently and indefinitely incarcerated by Israel under Administrative Detention. Yafa is currently a J.D. candidate in the Common Law program at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law.
Accessibility Information:
The venue is wheelchair-accessible, with step-free access, automatic doors and an accessible washroom.
Childcare will be provided.
Whisper translation (English and French) will be available.
Snacks and limited bus tickets will be provided.
For any questions relating to accessibility, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
For more information:
* Certain Days Collective
* Tadamon!