Buffet and Discussion: Screening of Roadmap to Apartheid

Buffet and Discussion: Screening of Roadmap to Apartheid
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
College de Maisonneuve, room E-2214
3800 Sherbrooke E
Metro Pie-IX
Tionni’tiotiah:ke, Kanien’kehà:ka territories
Facebook event
Join SOGEECOM and Tadamon for a Palestinian buffet, followed by a screening of Roadmap to Apartheid. This event is taking place as part of the 15th Israeli Apartheid Week.
In this award-winning documentary film, directors Ana Nogueira and Eron Davidson establish parallels between apartheid in South Africa and Israel, and highlight the physical and psychological consequences of these methods of segregations on oppressed populations.
To support this analogy, Ana Nogueira and Eron Davidson filmed moments of Palestinian daily life and drew upon archives from the era of apartheid in South Africa.
The screening will take place in the original English audio, with French subtitles.
For more information: