Solidarity with Gaza

Sunday, December 1, 2019
1 PM – 3 PM
Place Norman Bethune
(Metro Guy-Concordia)
Tionni’tiotiah:ke, Kanien’kehá:ka territory
Facebook event
Just last week, the Israeli state massacred at least 34 Palestinians, including children, in Gaza. Israel’s unrelenting illegal blockade of the Gaza Strip has turned it into the world’s largest open-air prison.
This past year Israeli forces have killed 222 unarmed protestors in cold blood at the Great March of Return, a peaceful protest formed by civilians in Gaza demanding their right to return to the homes from which they were ethnically cleansed in 1948. These actions by the Israeli military and government amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity according to the Geneva Conventions. On top of this, the Israeli occupation shows no sign of slowing down its atrocities and human rights violations.
This demonstration also highlights the International day in solidarity with Palestinian People.
Join us on Sunday (Dec. 1) to protest this latest atrocity against defenceless Palestinians. We will gather in front of Guy-Concordia metro station (Norman Bethune Square) at 13:00. See you all there!
Co-organized with SPHR McGill.
For more information: