Tadamon! Public Assembly

- open assembly calling for participation in Tadamon!’s current campaigns…

- SUNDAY, APRIL 6th, 1:30pm
School of Community & Public Affairs
Concordia University
2149 Mackay Street
(métro Guy-Concordia)
A public assembly aiming to bring people together to learn about and get involved in Tadamon!’s ongoing political campaigns; including the campaign for Boycott, Sanctions & Divestment of the apartheid state of Israel and the campaign to challenge the listing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government.
This public assembly will provide a detailed overview on ways to get involved and support Tadamon! – solidarity in Arabic – a Montreal-based collective that works in solidarity with struggles for self-determination in Lebanon and Palestine and within their Diaspora communities in Montreal.
In recent months Tadamon! has contributed to a series of major events in Montreal, including multiple demonstrations against the ongoing Israeli siege on Gaza bringing hundreds of people to the streets of Montreal, film-screenings and cultural events as part of the Artists Against Apartheid initiative…
Tadamon!’s upcoming public assembly will announce a new organizing structure, which will encourage the formation of autonomous working-committees, to engage in project or event specific goals in coordination with Tadamon!. Project based committees aim to facilitate involvement in Tadamon! from people with diverse interests and varying levels of commitments, below is an outline of proposed committees and structures…
Please confirm your attendance at the meeting at:
+1 514 664 1036 / tadamon@resist.ca
* Radio Tadamon!: working group focused on producing regular radio program focused on Tadamon!’s campaigns, for broadcast on CKUT Radio in Montreal & on-line distribution. Additionally this committee will work to establish a Canada-wide distribution system through the over fifty member stations of the National Campus & Community Radio Association (NCRA)…
* Artists Against Apartheid: working group focused on developing a network of artists / musicians / poets in Montreal who are interested in supporting the campaign for a boycott of Israel. This committee will focus on organizing live cultural events under the banner Artists Against Apartheid, as a continuation of similar events that brought hundreds together featuring world-wide known artists from Montreal, including Juno award winning artist Lubo Alexandrov, Kalmunity Vibe Collective, poet Kaie Kellough, Hassan el-Hadi…
* Tadamon! online: working group focused on developing Tadamon!’s website, which today receives upwards of 1000 individual visits per-day, and tens-of-thousands of visits from around the world each month, this working group would focus on ways to develop Tadamon!’s website, create content / material revolving around Tadamon!’s campaigns specific to Tadamon!’s on-line presence.
* Tadamon! academic boycott: working group focused on networking / developing support for the internal campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions throughout university, high-school and CEGEP campuses in Montreal. In recent months Tadamon! has been working closely with both L’Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (ASSÉ) the 42,000-member Quebec student union & the Fédération nationale des enseignantes et enseignants du Québec (FNEEQ) the a 24,000-member CEGEP teachers’ union in pursuit of developing a boycott campus across schools and university campuses in Quebec…
* Tadamon! Fundraising: working group focused on developing a sustainable fundraising plan / structure for Tadamon!; including community fundraising / benefit events / donations. Tadamon! aims to organize a long-term fundraising structure that will ensure a stable and solid financial structure…
Tadamon! Montreal:
tel: +1 514 664 1036
email: tadamon(at)resist.ca
web: http://www.tadamon.ca