Artists Against Apartheid V

20 novembre 2008 | معتمد Imperialism, Repression, Boycott, Palestine

within the ongoing cultural series uniting artists in Montreal against Israeli Apartheid.

    SUNDAY DECEMBER 7th 2008
    8pm. 5-10$
    La Sala Rossa, 4848 St. Laurent
    Montreal, Quebec

A ground breaking cultural event within the ongoing Artists Against Apartheid concert series uniting artists from Montreal in solidarity with the growing international movement against Israeli apartheid.

performances from

Antoine Bustros: celebrated film music composer for over twenty years, scoring soundtracks that cover a wide variety of genres and instrumentation. Recently Antoine Bustros composed the soundtrack for the film documentary Territories by Mary Ellen Davis. Antoine Bustros also writes, conducts and plays with the ensemble Ulysse which he founded in the year 2000, who’s second album ‘Hommage à Herrmann’ will be released in February 2009. Bustros will be performing with trumpet player Benoît Piché.

Meena Murugesan: a dancer, filmmaker and musician who will perform an excerpt from a solo contemporary dance work called Aval (Tamil for ‘she’), the performance journeys through generations of women to explore themes of colonization, sexuality, femininity and the search for freedom within contradictory cultural values. Aval features live sound composition by Pohanna Pyne Feinberg. Meena has performed and collaborated with artists across the world from the United States, India, West Africa, Chile, Brazil and across Canada.

Acalanto: a Latin American music ensemble which plays popular original and classic songs bound to resistance movements in the Americas.

DJ Andy Williams: radio host, community organizer, educator and music mixer DJ Andy Williams will offer musical mixes rooted in social struggle, from Jazz, to Blues to Hip-Hop and will also take excerpts from a recently produced music / spoken word piece commentary on the recent historic elections in the U.S.

Jason Selman on trumpet, Rebecca Foon on cello and Stefan Christoff on piano, a performance bringing together multiple musical worlds with Jazz trumpet sounds from Jason Selman from Kalmunity Vibe Collective and Nomadic Massive, cello from Rebecca Foon who performs with Silver Mt. Zion and classical piano improvisation from Stefan Christoff.

An occurring within the ongoing campaigns pushed forward by Tadamon! Montreal, a collective working to build solidarity between movements for social and economic justice from Montreal to the Middle East. Tadamon!’s ongoing political campaigns operating in Canada, including the campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israeli apartheid state & the campaign to challenge the listing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government.

* Tadamon!: Challenging Hezbollah’s listing as a ‘Terrorist’ Group in Canada

* Tadamon!: Boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israeli apartheid

Tadamon! Montreal:
tel: 514 664 1036
email: info[at]

تعليق واحد »

Bonjour mes amis, voilà que je vous envoie un texte de présentation por l’Ensemble Acalanto, merci de bien vouloir l’introduir dans votre page.
Rafael Azocar

“Une chanson couvée dans les pulsions de la terre de l’Amérique, c’est à dire, avec les instruments les plus authentiques de l’identité Américaine et résister activement à la musique commerciale sans se laissant séduire par le chant du cygne de la machine impérialiste. Créer l’espace mental et culturel à la Révolution, à l’épanouissement des forces progressistes de l’humanité, à la justice sociale, à une paix entre les hommes.”

تعليق rafael azocar — 3 décembre 2008 @ 20:30

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