Despite the very minimal demands laid upon Israel under UN resolution 1701, Israel has been constantly violating the terms of the ceasefire agreement.
Some of the more important violations:
Saturday January 27 2007
Eight people were hospitalized Saturday after inhaling toxic gases from poisonous balloons dropped by Israeli warplanes over Upper Nabatiyeh in southern Lebanon, the Lebanese National News Agency reported. NNA said among those who were rushed to hospital suffering from nausea and fatigue were a Lebanese staff sergeant, a recruit and An Nahar reporter Rana Jouni. The agency said Israeli warplanes dropped at least 10 poisonous balloons with Hebrew markings over Upper Nabatiyeh at about 9 am Saturday.
NNA said contacts have been made between the Lebanese army command and the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon, which has instructed an Italian peacekeeping unit to take samples from the balloons for examination. The agency said the results are likely to come out on Sunday. NNA had earlier said that the Lebanese army’s engineering unit headed to the area and destroyed the balloons by explosives. The army, in a communiqué issued Friday, warned civilians against messing with the balloons and urged them to report finding them to the closest army unit. (Naharnet)
Thursday December 14, 2006
The Israeli Army carried out a brief violation of the UN-demarcated Blue Line, Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA) said. The NNA said two Israeli tanks and about 60 soldiers penetrated 3 kilometers inside South Lebanon and “opened fire” at two shepherds herding sheep near the disputed Shebaa Farms. The shepherds, identified as Omar and Hicham Abdul Al, took cover at Halta Farm, while some of their livestock were hit by Israeli gunfire.
Monday December 11, 2006
Israeli jets violated airspace in southern Lebanon Monday by flying at low altitude over areas where UN peacekeepers are stationed. The jets also flew over the cities of Tyre, Marjayun and Nabatiyeh. (DPA)
Friday November 17, 2006
THREE Israeli warplanes violated again the Lebanese airspace. The fighter-bombers overflew the Tyre and Bint Jbeil areas where troops of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) are deployed, intruding at high altitude repeatedly.(AFP)
Thursday November 9, 2006
Twelve Israeli jets violated Lebanese airspace on Thursday. The fighter-bombers entered Lebanon at 12:25 p.m. and flew high over the coastal town of Naqoura, headquarters of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) near the borders with Israel. They then flew over other Southern regions before flying at a lower altitude over the eastern city of Baalbek, the army added. The 12 planes left Lebanese airspace at 1 p.m. after flying over Tripoli and Akkar in the North.(AP)
Tuesday October 31, 2006
Israeli fighter jets dived low over the southern suburbs at least six times before roaring back into the sky. Lebanese security officials said eight Israeli jets had crossed the border and dispersed, flying over southern and central Lebanon, with some reaching south Beirut.Israeli fighter jets dived low over the southern suburbs at least six times before roaring back into the sky. Lebanese security officials said eight Israeli jets had crossed the border and dispersed, flying over southern and central Lebanon, with some reaching south Beirut.
Tuesday’s show was the heaviest aerial incursion of Lebanon since the end of Israel’s 34-day offensive against the Hezbollah militant group. Lebanon, with United Nations support, has frequently protested Israeli flights over its territory. (Reuters)
Wednesday October 25, 2006
Two Israeli warplanes and a German navy vessel have clashed off the Lebanese coast, the Defence Ministry in Berlin said on Wednesday without giving further details. Germany daily Der Tagesspiegel earlier on Wednesday quoted a junior German defence minister as telling a parliamentary committee that two Israeli F-16 fighters flew low over the German ship and fired two shots. The jets also released infra-red countermeasures to ward off any rocket attack, the paper quoted him as saying. “I can confirm that there was an incident,” a ministry spokesman told Reuters on Wednesday. An investigation was underway and he therefore was unable to provide further information, he added. (Reuters)
Monday October 23, 2006
Israeli Airforce planes swooped low over Lebanon on Monday, a day after Israel rejected a call by France’s defence minister to halt violations of its neighbor’s airspace. The planes conducted mock raids over much of southern Lebanon, Reuters reported, and residents saw them flying low over the capital Beirut, but neither Hezbollah nor the Lebanese army fired anti-aircraft rounds at them as they have done in previous years.
Tuesday October 17, 2006
Israeli troops, along with two bulldozers, crossed the UN demarcated Blue Line near the Lebanese border village of Kfar Kila on Tuesday. “The Israeli troops cut the barbed wire separating Israel and Lebanon and placed the water pipe 40 metres inside Lebanese territory,” the Lebanese army source said. “The incident took place in the sight of the French and Spanish peacekeepers who acknowledged that there was a breach of the Lebanese territories,” the source said without elaborating. The army source said that on Tuesday, Spanish UNIFIL troops were observing the area as the Israeli bulldozers broke the barbed wire to place a pipe to divert the rain-water into Lebanese territories. The Spanish troops did not interfere but took pictures of the breaches.
Full report here.
[Updates were not maintained from 11 September til 17 October: if you have information to contribute on Israel’s violations of the ceasefire during this period, please send them to us, with the source, at tadamon@resist.ca with “updates on ceasefire for website” in the subject line.]
Monday September 11 2006
Lebanese army officials announce that Israel began expanding the barbed wire on the border into Lebanese Territory. The report issued by the army said that round 11:45 a.m., an Israel contingent, including a personnel carrier and a bulldozer, commenced erecting a barbed wire barrier 15 meters into Lebanese territory at the border gate of Al-Mtalla. Inspection of other border points revealed that several construction sites, set up by the Israelis to erect similar barriers up to 50 meters into Lebanese territory, seemed to be underway.
Saturday September 3 2006
Annahar newspaper reports that Israeli patrol, roaming town of Houla, opens fire around 10:45 pm towards house of Hasan Kotiesh, who fires back. Clash was accompanied by extensive emission of light bombs over the town.
Friday August 25 2006
Policy of kidnapping continues with Dr. Hussein El Akhras kidnapped near the town of Aytaroon.
Thursday August 24 2006
Mayor of Kantara village Nawwaf Sabra tells Assafir details of kidnapping incident. In brief: Hasan Abdel Hussein and Mohammad Abdel Hussein kidnapped by israeli soldiers while driving on side road near village.
Monday, August 21 2006
Al-Jazeera reporter says Israeli tanks and bulldozers cross blue line and enter village of Marwaheen amid preparations in the village to bury their dead. Israeli warplanes continue to roam skies of Lebanon.
Saturday August 19 2006
Israel pounds power station. Israeli helicopters backed by fighter jets attempt a botched landing of soldiers in the town of Bawadi near the city of Baalbek.
Friday August 18 2006
Mock air raids on western mountain chain around 9 pm.
Great job. KG
تعليق Kam Gan — 12 décembre 2006 @ 15:37Wonderful idea! Keep up the good work!
تعليق Pamela Chrabieh — 12 décembre 2006 @ 18:25Thank you for the kind words regarding the Weblog of Israeli ceasefire violations. Tadamon! is always looking for current information regarding ongoing violations, so please do send us any information you come across on this subject. Tadamon! is attempting to create this online resource as an online point of reference concerning this subject. Thanks!.
تعليق Stefan — 18 décembre 2006 @ 3:04hi 2 all.
تعليق marionxlx — 26 janvier 2007 @ 11:28hello world! It is nice site. Keep working!
best regards
i found you here http://google.com ^^
Hormis les tensions internes et l’escalade de la violence (verbale, physique, médiatique, psychologique, etc.) entre l’opposition et le gouvernement au Liban, les infractions quotidiennes israéliennes à la résolution 1701 ne tarissent pas. Dernière en date: des ballons et des sacs en plastique de toutes couleurs et grandeurs contenant du gaz toxique (et des inscriptions en hébreu: “Bonne Année”), largués dans plusieurs régions du Liban ces derniers jours, tant au Sud qu’à Beyrouth – à ce jour, 9 personnes ont été hospitalisées suite à l’inhalation de ce gaz.
تعليق Pamela Chrabieh — 29 janvier 2007 @ 5:54Il ne manquait plus que cela… Comme si les deux millions de bombes à fragmentation, elles-mêmes de toutes couleurs, ne suffisaient pas à tuer, blesser, estropier… Le plus malheureux dans toute cette histoire est que nos ‘leaders’ n’ont encore rien fait pour faire advenir un “cessez-le-feu” entre le Liban et Israël, et ne protestent même pas contre toutes les infractions israéliennes (…).
Nice site, I have bookmarked your site yet and I will come back again ! You have a gratest site!
تعليق Guide — 2 février 2007 @ 7:00When will the world stand up against the cruelty done by Isreal?
تعليق Ramon — 2 février 2007 @ 10:10Hi all!
I want to all of you know, World is mine, and yoursite good
تعليق GramBorder — 19 mars 2007 @ 22:22thank god someone is keeping a watch. is anyone doing similar for palistine. most of this we never hear. western media freedom is becoming a myth. good luck darval
تعليق darval — 31 décembre 2008 @ 21:20