Montreal: Al Kitab club

- Al Kitab (Arabic for ‘Book’), is a new book club organized by Tadamon!

- Photo: James Longley. Al-Mutanabi Street in Iraq.
Al Kitab club members (six to 10 people) will meet in a comfortable place (someone’s home, a quiet café, or a room in a public library) once a month to discuss and reflect on a book.
The club is open to the public so you don’t have to be a Tadamon! member to participate.
Most books will mainly be related to the struggles for self-determination, equality and justice in the “Middle East” (history, current politics, analysis…etc), and anybody can suggest books for the group. As we move forward, other topics could be included like indigenous people’s struggles on Turtle Island (North America), activism, colonization…or any other subject related to struggles for self-determination, equality and social justice.
First Book:
Illan Pappe: “The Modern History of Palestine” (2003)
The book begins with the Ottomans in the early 1800s and the reign of Muhammad Ali and traces a path through the arrival of the early Zionists at the end of that century, through the British Mandate at the beginning of the twentieth century, the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent wars and conflicts which culminated in the intifadas of 1987 and 2000.
Books available at the Concordia Community Solidarity Co-op Bookstore.
open hours of the Co-op: Tues, Weds, Thurs, 12-5pm
Co-op bookstore is located at:
2150 Bishop Street,
(metro Guy-Concordia)
First meeting: July 20th, 2009, 6 pm
If you’d like to join Al Kitab club please send us email at
before June 20th 2009, as places are limited!