Demonstration: Solidarity with Bil’in

- Montreal: Demonstration for release of activist Mohammad Khatib

- FRIDAY AUGUST 7th, 12h00
Indigo Bookstore
corner of St. Catherine & McGill college
(metro McGill)
Montreal, Canada
A solidarity rally for Bil’in village has been called in Montreal to protest the recent arrest of Palestinian activist Mohammad Khatib and the ongoing nighttime raids on Bil’in being carried out by the Israeli military.
In the early morning hours on Monday, Israeli military forces wearing combat paint and masks invaded the West Bank village of Bil’in.
Israeli soldiers raided several homes, arresting two Palestinian children and five Palestinians adults including Mohammad Khatib from the Bil’in Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements.
In June 2009 Mohammed Khatib traveled to Canada for the preliminary hearings in a historic lawsuit launched by Bil’in village against two Quebec-based companies, Green Park International and Green Mount International, both involved in constructing illegal Israeli-only settlements on the lands of the Palestinian village of Bil’in.
Palestinian activist Mohammed Khatib also spoke to Canada’s major media outlets and public in eleven Canadian cities with Emily Schaeffer, an Israeli lawyer representing the village of Bil’in, connecting with hundreds of people across Canada.
At present time Mohammed Khatib remains in Israeli custody although no charges have been brought against Khatib or the other Palestinians arrested, including the children.
“Mohmmad Khatib and Adib Abu Rahme along with other leaders of the Palestinian popular struggle are being targeted because they mobilize Palestinians to resist non-violently,” outlines Abdullah Abu Rahme, coordinator of Bil’in’s popular committee, “the fact is that the Apartheid Wall and the settlements built on Palestinian land are illegal under international law. In the case of our village even the biased Israeli court declared the route illegal, yet Israel is prosecuting us as criminals because we struggle non-violently for our freedom.”
Monday’s night-time raid is another in a series of many that Israeli forces have carried out in Bil’in since June 2009, raids that commenced in tandem to the commencement of legal proceedings in Canada.
Israeli forces have arrested 25 people from Bil’in village in the last month, most under 18 years of age. Israeli forces have been using interrogation techniques to pressure the arrested youth to give statements against Bil’in community leaders.
Qu’est-ce qui n’a pas été encore fait aux palestiniens par l’état d’Israël? Les mettre dans des chambres à gaz? Placer leurs cadavres dans des fours? Israël en a chassé un si grand nombre et il veut éliminer ceux qui osent rester? Qu’arriverait-il si cet état était en guerre contre un autre pays? On peut s’attendre à tout d’un état qui s’en prend à des enfants en pleine nuit avec des soldats masqués, pour ne mentionner que ce fait.
Un jour justice sera faite contre cette barbarie et ce despotisme extrême. La vérité de tous ces crimes contre l’humanité sera connue, la véritable image d’Israël se répandra dans le monde entier et justice sera faite. L’actuel Israël l’aura cherché et sera responsable d’avoir entrainé les juifs israéliens dans cette honte. En attendant l’appui aux palestiniens ne cesse de grandir et Israël est vu de plus en plus comme la peste de l’humanité ainsi que tous ceux qui lui donnent leur support, les É-U en tête.
Comment by Jean-Yves Rioux — August 6th, 2009 @ 2:18 PMmercredi 5 aout, lors de l’audience au tribunal militaire, mohammed était potentiellement libérable puisque l’accusation n’avait pas amené de preuve de sa culpabilité, allant jusqu’à dire s’être trompée de personne. aujourd’hui, l’accusation dit avoir une preuve, mais n’a rien montré. le juge a remis à dimanche la prochaine audience.
Comment by Mica — August 6th, 2009 @ 5:43 PM