Tadamon! Teach-in: Reflections on the Revolutions in the ‘Arab World’

Salwa Ismail “Reflections on the revolutions in Egypt and Syria”
Thursday October 20 |7pm-9pm|
Coop Artère, 7000 avenue du Parc (Parc x Jean-Talon)
Metro Parc, #80 bus
Facebook event
Workshops on the Arab Revolutions
Sunday October 23 | 12pm-4pm |
Room H-760 and H-762
Hall Building, Concordia University, 1500 de Maisonneuve O.
Facebook event
Since the fall of 2010, popular uprisings have taken place across North Africa and the ‘Middle East,’ challenging authoritarian regimes, and in some cases toppling long-standing rulers.
Movements in Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, and Syria have mobilized in various forms against austerity measures, authoritarian governments, and imperialism.
In North Amerikkka, western media outlets, and the academia have attempted to grapple with the causes and effects of these uprisings, discussing the implications of these changes.
Please join us for a two-day teach-in in which we will critically examine the uprisings in the ‘Middle East’ and North Africa. There will also be opportunities to find out how you can get involved in supporting these grassroots movements.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=169106766505353
Thursday October 20 |7pm-9pm|
NOTE LOCATION CHANGE: Coop Artère, 7000 avenue du Parc (Parc x Jean-Talon)
Metro Parc, #80 bus
In solidarity with striking MUNACA workers at McGill, we have changed the location of the event
Salwa Ismail “Reflections on the revolutions in Egypt and Syria”
Salwa Ismail is professor of politics with reference to the Middle East at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London; and author of Political Life in Cairo’s New Quarters: Encountering the Everyday State.
This event is part of Culture Shock 2011 – Oct 17-21
co-presented by QPIRG McGill and the Student Society of Mcgill University
An annual series of events on McGill Campus focused on the stories of immigrants, refugees, communities of colour and indigenous people.
Sunday October 23 | 12pm-4pm |
Room H-760 and H-762
Hall Building, Concordia University, 1500 de Maisonneuve O.
Workshops on the Arab Revolutions
11:00am -12:00pm: Welcome
Concurrent Workshops
1a) 12:00 – 1:30pm Introduction to the Arab Revolutions
A 101 workshop on the origins and causes of the revolutions now taking place across the Arab world.
1b) 12:00 – 1:30pm The Ongoing Revolution in Syria
An analysis of the struggle for freedom in Syria, including historical background, current situation, and solidarity efforts in Canada.
Half-hour break
2a) 2:00 – 3:30 pm “It’s Not About A State”: The UN Bid for Palestinian Statehood
A critical analysis of the Palestinian bid for statehood at the UN, focusing on the larger contextual issues of refugee rights.
2b) 2:00 – 3:30pm Linking Our Struggles: Resisting Austerity in Montreal
Making the links between struggles against austerity here in Montreal and those in the Arab world.
North Amerikkka? Oh dear…
تعليق Revor — 12 octobre 2011 @ 3:55