photos from celebrated artist Eric Drooker at Artists Against Apartheid in Montreal.

Photo Heri Rakotomalala Artist Eric Drooker in Montreal projecting ‘General Strike’.
Celebrated artist Eric Drooker visited Montreal for the seventeenth edition of Artists Against Apartheid at La Sala Rossa, 15/10/2011.
Artists Against Apartheid concert series continues to feature inspiring artists from Montreal and all around the world, building cultural solidarity with the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions BDS movement against the Israeli apartheid and in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom.
Our recent concert took place in collaboration with the Mile End Poets Festival in Montreal, featuring a performance by Brahja Waldman’s Quartet as well as musical selections via DJ Andy Williams.

- Photo Thien V. Contrabass resting on the floor at La Sala Rossa.
On a beautiful fall evening La Sala Rossa was packed as artist Eric Drooker transfixed the assembled crowd, projecting images that have illustrated street posters for social movements all around the world over the past decades. Over the past months Drooker’s posters have emerged as central imagery to the Occupy Wall Street movement and inspired actions all around the world. On the poetic front Drooker animated and collaborated with celebrated poem Allan Ginsberg, sharing stories with the Montreal audience on the collaboration toward Ginsberg last book Illuminated Poems.

- Photo Darren Ell Eric Drooker presents New Yorker cover on economic crisis.
Tadamon! presents a series of photographs from the the Artists Against Apartheid concert feat. Eric Drooker, photographs are taken by Thien V., Heri Rakotomalala, Darren Ell and David Vilder all based in Montreal.

- Photo David Vilder Lights shining on the Brahja Waldman’s Quartet

Photo Darren Ell Eric Drooker projects image inspired by the Tompkins Park Riot.

- Photo Darren Ell Jazz quartet Brahja Waldman’s Quartet at La Sala Rossa.

- Photo Darren Ell Jazz spirit at La Sala Rossa via Brahja Waldman’s Quartet

- Photo David Vilder Live Jazz action music via Brahja Waldman’s Quartet
Tadamon! Montréal
Tel : 514 664 1036
Email : info[at]tadamon.ca