CKUT radio: International Women’s Day special on Under the Olive Tree

toward Women of diverse origins — Femmes de diverses origines 2012 actions/events

Palestinian women prisoner being released, Ramallah, Palestine 2/10/2009. ActiveStills
- Thursday, March 1
11h-12h at 90.3fm in Montreal
globally at
Tune-in to Under the Olive Tree on Thursday, March 1st for a discussion focusing on the struggles of Palestinian women in the lead-up to International Women’s Day March 8th.
The annual demonstration is being included within Israeli Apartheid Week activities for 2012 so CKUT’s Under the Olive Tree will examine the situation facing Palestinian women today and how international solidarity is essential in the Palestinian women’s struggle against Israeli apartheid.
Thursday, March 8
Demonstration: Solidarity with Palestinian Women!
BDS contingent in the International Women’s Day march
6:00pm, Norman Bethune square.
Outside of Metro Guy-Concordia, De Maisonneuve Boulevard and Guy
Join the contingent with Palestinian flags and the BDS banner. This is an opportunity to express support for Palestinian women fighting against Israeli occupation and apartheid while also joining an international day of action, International Women’s Day, to support women’s liberation struggles, all around the world. Bring your own flags, signs, and noisemakers! For the full call-out, visit Women of diverse origins — Femmes de diverses origines