Join us for a holiday dinner party to celebrate five years of successes in the Quebec BDS movement!

- Wednesday, December 15
Doors at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm
3720 Parc Avenue, 2nd floor
Montreal, Quebec
Join us for a holiday dinner party to celebrate five years of successes in the Quebec BDS movement!
Photo: Drawing comparisons to South African apartheid policies, the Israeli military forces Palestinians to carry identification documents that restrict their movement.
The word apartheid is one of the most controversial parts of the Palestinian solidarity movement. Opponents of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign claim that the word apartheid is a slur used solely to delegitimize Israel. We in Tadamon!, however, believe this term is an accurate legal description of the Israeli state, and do not shrink from using an accurate term because it is controversial.
photos from Artists Against Apartheid feat. Obsesión @ BDS Quebec conference.
Photo Mickey Boston Cuban hip-hop group Obsesión at Artists Anti Apartheid.
Photographer and artist Mickey Boston captured a couple striking portraits of celebrated Cuban hip-hop group Obsesión performing at Artists Against Apartheid during the Quebec/Canada-wide BDS conference in Montreal on October 23 2010. Obsesión performed along side members of Montreal hip-hop group Nomadic Massive, also taking the stage during the concert was Detroit based hip-hop artist Invincible and celebrated Montreal MC The Narcicyst, who performed to a packed house with hundreds gathering for the rising Artists Against Apartheid concert series.
Photo Palestinian flag flying in sky at demonstration against Israeli apartheid.
As part of the growing global movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid, grassroots organizations in Montréal successfully hosted a conference aimed at moving forward the BDS movement in Québec. The conference, which took place October 22 to 24 at the Université de Québec à Montréal, brought together hundreds of people concerned about social justice and human rights from across Canada and around the world.
Montreal event with Israeli activist Noam Lekach via Anarchists Against the Wall
Independent Jewish Voices will hold press conference on Monday in Ottawa, releasing a video to the media and Members of Parliament which challenges the Harper government’s mounting attacks on free speech.
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney and the Harper government are sponsoring an international conference in Ottawa on November 8 and 9 of the ‘Inter-Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism’ (ICCA), following hearings earlier this year of the ICCA’s local counterpart – the ‘Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism’ (CPCCA).
Cinema Politica | Tadamon! co-presentation | photo Matthew Cassel Just Image
With the 29 September 2010 decision by the Senate of the University of Johannesburg “not to continue a long-standing relationship with Ben Gurion University (BGU) in Israel in its present form” and to set conditions “for the relationship to continue,” a new campaign for the academic boycott of Israel was born at the southern tip of the African continent.[1] Almost in tandem, on 11 October, at the northern tip of the European continent, a fresh academic and cultural boycott was announced in Oslo, endorsed by 100 leading Norwegian figures in the academy, culture and sports.[2]
Two weeks earlier, the European Platform for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (EPACBI) was established, after a successful meeting in Paris of 50 representatives of academic boycott campaigns from 9 European countries and a PACBI representative. The meeting was called at the initiative of the French campaign, AURDIP (Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine), and BRICUP (British Committee for the Universities of Palestine).
Photo Noé Sardet. Detroit-based hip-hop artist Invincible performing in Montreal.
Hundreds gathered in Montreal for the fourteenth edition of Artists Against Apartheid occurring as part of the Quebec/Canada-wide conference on the growing boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement targeting the Israeli government. Artists Against Apartheid XIV was co-presented by Afro Latin Soul and featured Invincible from Detroit, members of Nomadic Massive performing along side with celebrated Cuban hip-hop ensemble Obsesión and a special appearance by Montreal Iraqi hip-hop artist The Narcicyst. Photographer / filmmaker Noé Sardet captured some images from the concert.