- End Israeli Apartheid!

13h00 Dorchester square
Corner Peel and René-Lévesque
metro Peel
Montréal, Québec
Rachad Antonius, Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal, December 31 2008
The Israeli government’s propaganda about the war in Gaza has been uncritically accepted by Canadian media, becoming the dominant discourse in most news reports. The violence we are witnessing is explained by declaring that Hamas has broken the truce with Israel, and therefore it is responsible for the current level of Israeli violence, which is thereby represented merely as a reasonable and justified retaliation. According to this view, Israel is only defending itself against a vicious enemy which is still intent on destroying it. At best, the excesses of the attacks against Gaza are deplored, but their presentation as retaliation is not even questioned.
gather at ‘Solidarité Gaza’ banner from 11pm to 12am at the Pavillion Jaques Cartier.
Quelques centaines de personnes ont marché dans les rues du centre-ville de Montréal, cet après-midi, pour condamner les raids israéliens sur la bande de Gaza. Les manifestants ont vertement critiqué la réaction du gouvernement Harper, qu’ils ont qualifiée de «trop frileuse» au lendemain des attaques qui ont tué près de 300 Palestiniens et en ont blessé plus de 700 autres.
«Israël: assassin! Harper: complice!» ont scandé les protestataires alors qu’ils défilaient dans la rue Sainte-Catherine. Dans la foule, des pancartes demandant «que cesse le blocus de Gaza» ou qualifiant les attaques de «génocide massif» s’élevaient au-dessus des têtes parmi des drapeaux palestiniens.
Inspired by Iraqi journalist Muntader al-Zaidi, who launched a pair of shoes at U.S. President George W. Bush this past week in Baghdad, local activists in Montreal held a mass shoe-throwing directed at the U.S. Consulate and the Canadian Armed Forces recruiting centre in downtown Montreal this past Saturday.