Palestine contingent in November 22nd Student Demonstration
End the Siege ! Stand with Palestinian Students !

- Thursday November 22nd, 1pm
« La place du Peuple »
(metro Square Victoria)
Montreal, Quebec
Photo: Palestinian Students at Israeli check-point.
As the first week of Israel’s operation “Pillar of Clouds” draws to an end, more than 120 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, including 24 children. For Palestinians in Gaza, are denied the fundamental right to education. Through the ongoing siege on Gaza the continued air strikes, and the effects of the 2008 operation Cast Lead that resulted in 1,400 deaths, Palestinians in Gaza are denied the fundamental right to education.
On Thursday November 22nd students in Montréal and across the globe will be marching for accessible education. This demonstration is being held at the same time as thousands of Palestinians students continue to face daily bombardment from the Israeli Military. Our solidarity is a must! As ASSÉ (l’Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante), the coalition of student unions currently leading the student strike, asserted in their recent call out for student solidarity: “It is our responsibility to show them that we, students of Quebec, stand in solidarity of every movement, of every struggle. To global attacks, let’s build an international response!”