Tous les posts dans la catégorie 'Médias commerciaux'

Egypt police shoot two Africans trying to cross into Israel

    Haaretz. April 20th, 2008.


    Photo: Egypt/’Israel’ border.

Egyptian police shot and wounded two Africans, from Mali and Kenya, who tried to slip over Egypt’s desert frontier into Israel on Sunday, security sources said.

Escalating police violence at the Egypt-Israel border has left 11 would-be infiltrators dead since the start of the year, while scores of others, mostly from Africa, have been detained. Police killed an Eritrean migrant at the border on Thursday.

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Nearly 300 people killed or wounded since 2006

    Daily Star by By Anthony Elghossain. Saturday, April 5th, 2008


    Photo: © Zoriah Beirut 2006.

BEIRUT: Nearly 300 people have been killed or injured in South Lebanon by unexploded ordnance dropped by Israel just before the cease-fire that halted the 2006 summer war, and more than half of the areas originally contaminated by cluster bomblets have yet to be fully cleared, according to the United Nations Mine Action Coordination Center for Southern Lebanon (MACC).

The results of a new MACC overview of its functions in Lebanon were released to the public Friday in order to mark, in part, International Mine Action Day. MACC field officer Dalia Farran discussed the results of the study, noting that “since the 2006 [summer war] cease-fire, 965 locations contaminated by unexploded ordnances have been identified throughout the 39 million square meters that constitute South Lebanon.”

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A different vision for Israel

    Toronto Star. Apr 12, 2008. by Stuart Laidlaw.


    Photo: Graffiti on the Apartheid wall in Palestine.

Diana Ralph grew up in a progressive Jewish family in postwar America. Her father’s work as a lawyer at the Nuremberg war crime trials, when she was still an infant, cemented his support for the state of Israel.

But when his daughter, as a young woman, questioned Israeli policies after the Six Day War in 1967, she saw a side of her father she hadn’t witnessed before.

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Le Devoir: Des activistes troublent la conférence de l’ambassadeur d’Israël au Canada

    Le Devoir. Claude Lévesque. Jeudi 10 avril 2008


    Photo: Ion Etxebarria.

L’ambassadeur d’Israël au Canada, Alan Baker, était venu parler hier des 60 ans de relations entre les deux pays et plaider pour leur approfondissement dans les domaines économique et culturel. L’intervention d’environ 25 manifestants l’a cependant obligé à aborder aussi des questions plus politiques, dont, évidemment, le conflit israélo-palestinien.

L’ambassadeur Baker venait de rappeler que le Canada est un des 30 États membres des Nations unies à avoir appuyé la création de l’État d’Israël, en 1947, lorsqu’un petit groupe d’activistes a réussi à pénétrer dans la salle de conférence de l’hôtel du centre-ville de Montréal où il prenait la parole, lançant des tracts et criant: «Israël hors de Palestine!» et «Non à l’apartheid israélien!»

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Lebanon: Labor calls strike for May 7 to press Beirut for higher wage

5 avril 2008 | Posté dans Boycott, Lebanon, Médias commerciaux, Politique, Solidarité

    Daily Star, by Michael Bluhm. Tuesday, April 1st, 2008


    Photo: Aerial of Beirut, Lebanon.

The General Labor Confederation (GLC) on Monday called a one-day general strike in Lebanon for May 7 because of the government’s refusal to raise the minimum wage from LL300,000 to LL960,000 per month. While an economist labeled the minimum wage “atrocious,” the GLC’s strike call also has political overtones, as GLC chief Ghassan Ghosn organized a series of sparsely attended demonstrations last year in front of various ministries. He has long been a vocal critic of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora’s government, while the minimum wage has sat at LL300,000 for more than a decade.

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Tadamon! répond à un article de La Presse

    Tadamon! répond à un article de La Presse.


L’article de La Presse, paru samedi, le 8 mars 2008, page A24, sur la situation à Gaza, contient une affirmation erronée qu’il est nécessaire de corriger. A la fin de l’article, le collectif montréalais Tadamon! est qualifié par M. Elharrar, porte-parole du Comité Québec-Israël, de “groupe pro-Hezbollah”. A deux reprises, il utilise cette unique formulation pour appuyer, semble-t-il, l’accusation que le collectif ne voudrait pas la paix, alors que celui-ci participait à un regroupement d’ONG et de syndicats québécois s’étant réunis pour demander au Canada de dénoncer l’attaque israélienne contre Gaza.

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Gaza’s suffering children

    Al-Ahram, by Saleh Al-Naami.


    Photo: Boy holds a Palestinian flag atop a destroyed building in Gaza.

Every once in a while Ibrahim Hawash, 42, calls his wife Noha from his nightshift job to make sure that she has followed the treatment course prescribed by their family doctor for the involuntary urination of their four children, who are in primary school. The doctor says that the four children lost their ability to control urination due to the fear they underwent when Israeli army jets bombed a home near theirs in the Jabalya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip during the “Warm Winter” military campaign three weeks ago. The four children still remember the terrifying night when they woke frightened up to the sound of a thundering explosion in the area and found that the glass of their home’s windows had fallen onto their bed.

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Civilian death toll in Iraq may have surpassed 1 million

    Daily Star, Tuesday, March 25, 2008.


    Photo: Displaced woman carries humanitarian aid from the Iraqi Red Crescent.

BAGHDAD: While the number of US troops killed in Iraq since the 2003 invasion stands at 4,000, up to three times as many Iraqi soldiers have died – and the number of civilians killed runs into tens and probably hundreds of thousands. The Web site, based only on published reports, shows that around 8,000 members of the Iraqi security forces have died since the March 2003 invasion. Last year, however, the Iraqi government put the figure at 12,000.

There is no agreement when it comes to civilian casualties, particularly as many deaths are never reported in the media.

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Shifting towards Israel?

    Toronto Star, by Oakland Ross. March 17th, 2008.


    Photo: Israeli military near the Gaza Strip.

JERUSALEM: A United Nations panel voted overwhelmingly this month to condemn Israel for a recent armed incursion in the Gaza Strip that claimed more than 120 lives, many of them civilian.

Thirty-three member countries of the 47-seat UN Human Rights Council endorsed the resolution, which accused Israel of war crimes in its ongoing battles against Palestinian militants in Gaza.

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Canadiens prisonniers dans Gaza.

    La Presse: jeudi 13 mars, 2008


    Photo: Marouane Aboudraz

Quand il a quitté Montréal, en avril 2007, pour aller passer quelque temps chez sa mère, dans la bande de Gaza, Marouane Aboudraz croyait faire un voyage de trois ou quatre mois, question de présenter ses deux derniers-nés à leur grand-mère.

Mais ce voyage s’est transformé en cauchemar. En juin 2007, le mouvement intégriste Hamas a pris le contrôle de ce territoire palestinien dont les frontières ont été hermétiquement scellées par Israël. Et la famille Aboudraz s’est retrouvée coincée en enfer.

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Événements à venir
