Tous les posts dans la catégorie 'Palestine'

South Africa anti-Apartheid leader forges ties with Palestinians

22 avril 2009 | Posté dans Palestine, Politique
    Bethlehem, Ma’an. By Deema Dabis

    Photo: number four prison | constitution hill | Johannesburg, South Africa

A South African anti-Apartheid leader and union official is in the West Bank this week to share ideas and create stronger links for solidarity work with Palestinians.

“In South Africa we are familiar with the struggle of the people of Palestine for freedom and self determination,” said Zeko Tamela, the Head of External Relations of the South African Transport and Communications Workers Union. “As a previously oppressed people ourselves we forged alliances with freedom fighters around the world.”

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Israel razes eight Palestinian homes

22 avril 2009 | Posté dans Palestine, Tadamon!
    Nablus, Palestine. Ma’an. April 22nd, 2009

    Photo: Israeli apartheid wall in Palestine.

Israeli military bulldozers demolished eight Palestinian houses southwest of Nablus Wednesday morning, witnesses said.

The demolitions are the first following a wave of eviction and demolition notices handed out by Israeli authorities to Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem in March and April.

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Photos: Artists Anti Apartheid VII

21 avril 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Canada, Culture, Palestine, Tadamon!
    Photo essay by Ion Etxebarria and Darren Ell.

    Photo: Ion Etxebarria. Kaie Kellough, poet and author, performs.

Ground breaking musicians and artists from Montreal took the stage on Sunday, April 12th for the seventh edition of Artists Against Apartheid at La Sala Rossa, occurring within the international campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israeli apartheid and in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

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Palestinians shot dead in West Bank

20 avril 2009 | Posté dans Palestine, Résistance
    Al Jazeera, April 17 2009.

Photo: Active Stills. Palestinian hit by chemical gas from Israeli army, Bil’in, Palestine.

Three Palestinians have been killed in separate incidents in the West Bank, Israeli army and Palestinian sources have said.

Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian man who allegedly threw petrol bombs towards the settlement of Beit El, close to Ramallah on Friday.

An Israeli military spokeswoman confirmed the incident.

Elsewhere, Israeli troops killed a man who had been protesting against Israel’s separation barrier, Palestinians said.

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Israeli forces kill demonstrator in Bil’in

18 avril 2009 | Posté dans Palestine

    Friday, 17 April 2009, Bil’in Village.

    Photo: Mohammad Khawaja killed by the Israeli army December 2008.

A resident has been killed by Israeli forces during a demonstration. Basem Abu Rahme, 29 years of age, was shot in the chest with a high-velocity tear gas projectile. He was evacuated to Ramallah hospital in critical condition, where he died of his injury. According to eyewitnesses, Basem was on a hill with several journalists to the side of other demonstrators. Soldiers opened fire from 40 meters, aiming directly with the tear-gas projectiles.

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Non-Violence in Palestine

18 avril 2009 | Posté dans Palestine
    ‘Where is the call for Israel to embrace non-violence?’ by Ramzy Baroud.

Photo: Palestinian children in the Gaza amidst buildings destroyed in Israeli air strikes.

When one speaks of or advocates non-violence, does he promote such an idea because he believes that historically it has been a more effective means of liberation, or is it purely because he thinks that it is a more self-respecting means of struggle?

In recent history, many advocates of non-violence have been celebrated as modern day icons. From Ghandi to King, songs are written in their honor, their life stories fill the pages of our children’s history volumes as noble examples of which everyone must aspire to emulate. Holidays are instituted in their honor and around the world; streets and boulevards carry their namesake.

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Aid rots outside Gaza

18 avril 2009 | Posté dans Égypte, Palestine
    Erin Cunningham, Inter Press Service, 16 April 2009

    Photo: Gaza City from the Mediterranean Sea.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of aid intended for the Gaza Strip is piling up in cities across Egypt’s North Sinai region, despite recent calls from the United Nations to ease aid flow restrictions to the embattled territory in the wake of Israel’s 22-day assault.

Food, medicine, blankets, infant food and other supplies for Gaza’s 1.5 million people, coming from governments and non-governmental agencies around the world, are being stored in warehouses, parking lots, stadiums and on airport runways across Egypt’s North Sinai governorate.

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Montréal : Solidarité avec la Palestine

3 avril 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Canada, Labor, Palestine, Quebec, Solidarité, Tadamon!
    le mouvement de boycott contre Israël

    JEUDI 16 AVRIL 19h00
    A-M050, Pavillon Hubert-Aquin (A), UQAM
    400 rue Sainte-Catherine Est
    Montréal, Quebec

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Artists Against Apartheid VII

3 avril 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Canada, Culture, Palestine, Quebec, Tadamon!

evening featuring celebrated musicians from Montreal united against Israeli apartheid

    20h00 $5-10
    La Sala Rossa
    4848 St. Laurent
    Montreal, Quebec

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Le prix qui n’était pas aux Rendez-vous

10 mars 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Canada, Palestine, Quebec
    lettre ouverte par Malcolm Guy Cineaste.

Montréal, mars 2009 — Les Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois (RVCQ) vient de clôturer son édition 2009. Félicitations spéciales à Richard Brouillette, qui a récolté le Prix Pierre et Yolande Perrault / Meilleur espoir documentaire pour son film l’Encerclement – La démocratie dans les rets du néolibéralisme et à nos amis de Péripheria, qui ont gagné le prix du court métrage pour le film Three mothers de Daniel Schachter.

Vous n’êtes peut-être pas au courant, mais il y a un prix qui n’a pas été offert cette année.

J’étais parmi ceux qui ont encouragés le RVCQ de ne plus présenter le prix de la Fondation Ruth et Alex Dworkin pour la promotion de la Tolérance à travers le cinéma. Vous trouverez ci-jointe une lettre signée par une soixantaine de personnes du milieu du cinéma québécois en soutien à la décision du RVCQ de ne plus présenter ce prix controversé. Cette lettre a été envoyée aux Rendez-vous le 19 janvier 2009.

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Événements à venir
