Uprising and Uprooted: refugees in the Syrian struggle in photo and image-2

- Photo ©UNRWA
- exhibit : October 3 to November 7
vernissage : Friday October 17, 5 à 7
film screening and closing night : November 7
location : Café Aquin, local A-2030 (pavillon Hubert-Aquin)
Université du Québec à Montréal
405 Sainte-Catherine East, Berri-UQÀM metro
facebook event
The popular uprising in Syria for liberation and dignity that broke out in March 2011, has, since the beginning, been met with a brutal regime response that has known no limits. The consequences of the Syrian regime’s response have been devastating: destruction of homes, urban neighbourhoods and infrastructure; deepening social divisions that have taken the form of sometimes violent, armed confrontation; deaths of civilians reaching over 150,000 persons; widening fear and distrust; countless injured; the uprooting of millions. In the face and in the aftermath of regime bombardment, siege, atrocity and aggression millions have taken flight and sought refuge within Syria, in neighbouring states and in states beyond the region.