Palestinian labour federations and trade unions call for Boycott
Palestinian women stopped at Qalandia checkpoint on their way to work.

Original copy of the declaration and report from the press conference available from, the Stop the Wall Campaign, Palestine .
Today, 11th of February 2007, we, the Palestinian labour federations, vocational and professional trade unions, and the grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, have convened a press conference to announce a call for solidarity with our workers and the Palestinian people endorsed by the General Union of Palestinian Workers, Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, the Coalition of Independent Democratic Trade Unions and other professional unions.
This call addresses the Arab and International Trade Unions and, in particular, the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions, the Arab League, the Arab Labour Organization, the International Labour Organization, the International Trade Union Confederation, the Organization of African Trade Union Unity, the Palestinian people and the international community.
We call upon all the above to:
* Boycott and divest from Israel;
* Work towards sanctions upon Israel. (more…)