Tous les posts dans la catégorie 'Boycott'

À Gaza, des Canadiens appellent à la rupture du silence gouvernemental

    Pour diffusion immédiate : 12 mars, 2008


Le gouvernement canadien n’a toujours pas réagi à la crise en cours à Gaza.

Des familles montréalaises récemment en visite dans leur famille à Gaza sont actuellement coincées sous les bombardements israéliens et n’ont reçu aucune aide des autorités consulaires, au Moyen-Orient ou à Ottawa.

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Apartheid Economics: Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement

    Interview with Kole Kilibarda of the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
    conducted by Stefan Christoff for Fighting FTAs.


    Photo: Palestinians hold a protest against the Apartheid Wall…

Canada’s first trade accord signed outside the western hemisphere was with Israel in 1997. International trade relations with Canada, the U.S. and the European Union are essential components to Israel’s economy, creating external markets for Israeli products to be sold, while embedding Israeli economic activity within the international market. Today, Palestinians are appealing for an international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions on Israel, in response to the ongoing occupation of Palestine defined by a military enforced apartheid facing the Palestinian people.

Throughout the Middle East a strong campaign against the normalization of economic and political relations with Israel remains. Kole Kilibarda is an organizer with the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid in Toronto, which is campaigning against the Israel-Canada free trade agreement. Kilibarda explains the details of the Canada-Israel trade agreement, while offering a critique on Canada’s interest in maintaining a trade accord with Israel.

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Radio Tadamon! Popular Protest in Gaza

    Produced for Radio Tadamon! by Stefan Christoff.


    Download / Podcast the program from the Rabble Podcast Network.

Listen to an interview with Sam Hadeeb from the Popular Committee Against the Siege in Gaza. In the face of ongoing Israeli military actions directed at the Gaza Strip, which have taken the lives of over one-hundred Palestinians within the past week — including children — a popular committee has formed in Gaza, which has been coordinating a series of popular direct actions and appealing for protests lead by social justice movements throughout the world.

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Manifestation: Le blocus israélien de Gaza doit cesser !

    Appel pour un regroupement de solidarité avec la Palestine dans le cadre
    de la Journée mondiale d’action contre la « guerre au terrorisme »


    SAMEDI 15 MARS, 12H30
    Square Dorchester
    rue Peel et boul. René-Lévesque
    Métro Peel
    en collaboration avec Échec à la guerre

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Trade union building targeted in Gaza

    Mohammed Omer, Electronic Intifada, 4 March 2008


    Photo: Destroyed Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions building.

GAZA CITY: Two F-16 missiles were all it took to bring down the five-story headquarters of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU).

The Union, established in 1965, is one of the forerunners of the movement calling for an international boycott of Israel, and imposition of sanctions on it until Israel meets its obligations over UN resolutions, borders, and the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland.

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Lebanon: 33 Days

    Montreal premiere of Mai Masri’s latest documentary film
    on Israel’s 2006 attack on Lebanon as part of Cinema Politica


    MONDAY, MARCH 10th, 2008, 7pm
    Concordia University, Hall Building, H-110
    metro Guy-Concordia
    Lebanon / 2007 / 70min
    Including the first Montreal screening of Sari’s Mother, latest film by
    celebrated filmmaker James Longley, director of Iraq in Fragments…

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Economics and Israeli Apartheid: E.U.-Israel Economic Association Agreement

    Interview with John Hilary of War on Want,
    conducted by Stefan Christoff for Fighting FTAs.


    Photo: Graffiti on Israel’s apartheid wall in Bethlehem.

An economic association agreement between the European Union and Israel lends international political legitimacy to the Israeli government, while providing a critical export market for Israeli goods and products, an essential element to Israel’s international trade policy.

Growing debate is occurring within Europe concerning the E.U.-Israel agreement in the face of Israel’s continuing occupation of Palestinian land and systemic abuses of Palestinian human rights as documented by international human rights organizations, including Amnesty International. A critical provision within the economic agreement stipulates that both the E.U. and Israel respect human rights, a provision that has clearly been ignored in the continuation of the agreement, despite wide-spread abuses of Palestinian human rights by Israel.

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Le blocus israélien de Gaza doit cesser !

    Journée international e d’action en solidarité avec le peuple palestinien
    initiée par le Comité populaire contre le blocus de Gaza…


    SAMEDI 23 FÉVRIER, 13h à 15h
    Piquetage à la Librairie Indigo
    Sainte-Catherine, l’Ouest de la rue McGill College
    metro Peel

Par son blocus de Gaza, Israël impose une punition collective aux 1.5 millions de Palestiniens habitant la minuscule bande de territoire palestinien. Cette population vit quotidiennement une pénurie d’électricité, d’essence, de nourriture et des nécessités de base dans le contexte d’une campagne militaire violente menée par l’État israélien et ses politiques d’apartheid.

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Photo Essay: Israeli Apartheid Week Montreal

    by photojournalist Ion Etxebarria.


In the heart of Montreal Denis Kosseim, of the Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine (CJPP) waves a Palestinian flag during a solidarity demonstration with Gaza on Saturday, February 9th.

As part of the international Israeli Apartheid Week that occurred in cities across Canada and around the world, a series of events occurred in Montreal to mark Israeli Apartheid Week in February 2008. Israeli Apartheid Week is now in its fourth consecutive year and in 2008, Israeli Apartheid Week occurs during the 60th year of the Palestinian Nakba (”catastrophe”)– 60 years of dispossession, ethnic cleansing and exile for Palestinians resulting from the creation of the state of Israel.

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Malcolm Guy se retire d’un jury des Rendez-vous

    Odile Tremblay, Devior, jeudi 14 février 2008


    Le cinéaste estime que les RVCQ doivent se
    désaffilier de la Fondation Dworkin…

Le cinéaste Malcolm Guy, à travers une lettre ouverte aux Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois, se retire du jury du prix annuel 2008 de la Fondation Alex et Ruth Dworkin. Cette récompense, à laquelle est jointe une bourse de 5000 $, a pour but de favoriser la tolérance dans le domaine du cinéma.

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Événements à venir
