Tous les posts dans la catégorie 'Répression'

La Résistance Queer et la ‘guerre au terrorisme’.

8 novembre 2007 | Posté dans Genres et sexualité, Iran, Politique, Répression, Résistance

    perspectives du Moyen-Orient. Photo: Tehran, Iran.


    Jeudi le 15 novembre à 17h30
    à l’Université McGill (855 Sherbrooke Ouest)
    Pavillon Leacock, salle 232

Projection de film et discussion à propos des représentations contemporaines de la sexualité en Iran, et leur lien avec les discours impérialistes de la soi-disant “guerre au terrorisme”. La discussion aura lieu en présence de Sima Shakhsari, de la Faculté d’anthropologie de l’Université Stanford.

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Campement contre les frontières: Montréal

8 novembre 2007 | Posté dans Mexico, Palestine, Politique, Répression, Résistance

    Au centre de détention pour immigrantes de Laval. 10 / 11 novembre


    Samedi le 10 novembre
    Rassemblement au Square Cabot, Metro Atwater
    11 heures : soupe populaire
    13 heures : départ en autobus vers le centre de détention
    Pour réserver une place dans l’autobus:

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Tariq Ali: Hezbollah and Canada.

    Produced for Radio Tadamon! by Stefan Christoff.


    Download / Podcast the program from the Rabble Podcast Network.

Terrorism is a contested terrain, a political landscape on which the highest levels of international military power engage in a deadly war. In 2007 terrorism remains an ominous threat, a political ghost invoked in the foreign policy rhetoric of Canada’s Conservative government surrounding the ‘War on Terror’.

In 2002 Canada unveiled an official list of ‘terrorist’ organizations, strikingly similar to the US governmental list of an equivalent nature. Today the Lebanese political movement Hezbollah, both the military and political wings, is officially considered a ‘terrorist’ organization by the government of Canada, a policy only endorsed by two additional countries internationally, the US and Israel.

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UN releases report into extent of damage, complications of 2006 Jiyyeh oil spill

    Thalif Deen. Inter Press Service. Monday, November 05, 2007.


    Photo: Lebanon Oil Spill 2006.

UNITED NATIONS: When the Israeli Air Force destroyed a slew of oil storage tanks and a key power station during its war against Lebanon in July 2006, the environmental damage was described as devastating. And now, more than 15 months later, the United Nations has released a report detailing the extent of the destruction caused by that oil spill to human health, biodiversity, fisheries and tourism.

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Rice moves quickly to preempt a truce in Lebanon’s power struggle.

    Editorial. Daily Star. Saturday, November 03, 2007.


    Photo: Mohamed Shublaq. Beirut’s Southern Suburbs, August 2006.

Lebanon’s feuding political leaders have a long history of digging their country into holes from which it can only emerge by climbing over piles of dead bodies. The current impasse is just the latest example of this tendency, but at least a few cooler heads are determined to avoid the errors of those who went before. It remains to be seen which “side” will prevail – not between the government and the opposition, but between the sane and insane factions in each camp. Not content with this level of uncertainty, however, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has stepped back into the fray in defense of past traditions and future bloodshed.

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Returning refugees face dire conditions in Nahr al-Bared.

    By Michael Bluhm. Daily Star. Wednesday, October 31, 2007.


    Photo: Helicopter Photo of Nahr el-Bared, October 2007.

BEIRUT: International donors have not sent any money for the Palestinian refugees and Lebanese affected by the conflict at the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp, more than six weeks after Premier Fouad Siniora asked a donor conference for $55 million, a number of relief officials said. The hundreds of refugee families returning to the battle-scarred camp are facing desperate conditions, although their departure from public schools near the camp has at least begun to release the tensions between the displaced and the Lebanese locals, said Ambassador Khalil Makkawi, head of the Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee. Over three months of fighting between the Lebanese Army and Fatah al-Islam militants largely destroyed the camp and its environs, while the camp’s 31,000-plus residents fled soon after the hostilities began.

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Gaza: Shin Bet prevented medical care to Palestinian cancer patient

    By Amira Hass, Haaretz Correspondent


    Photo: Red Crescent / Red Cross

The Shin Bet is refusing to allow a 21-year-old Rafiah man who is sick with cancer and in need of immediate medical care to come to Israel, even though he obtained permission from the Israeli Defense Forces’ Coordination and Liaison Administration.

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Amnesty International calls on Lebanese government to halt discrimination against Palestinian refugees

    Daily Star: Wednesday, October 17, 2007.


    Photo: Stefan Christoff, Palestinian Star.

BEIRUT: The Lebanese government must take concrete steps to end all forms of discrimination against Palestinian refugees and to fully protect and uphold their human rights, Amnesty International said in a new report expected to be launched at a news conference in Beirut on Wednesday.

The new report, “Exiled and Suffering: Palestinian refugees in Lebanon,” examines the wide range of restrictions that continue to impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees, as many as 60 years after they or their parents or grandparents fled to Lebanon during the Arab-Israeli wars of 1948 and 1967.

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Rapport: Un débat critique sur le Hezbollah

    Rapport sur la soirée du 17 Octobre 2007


    Photo: Tatiana Gomez, Montréal, Octobre 2007.

Dans le contexte de la campagne visant à contester la présence du Hezbollah sur la liste des “organisations terroristes” au Canada, Tadamon! Montréal a organisé le Mercredi 17 Octobre une importante conférence à l’Université McGill, dans le cadre de la série de conférences Culture Shock 2007.

Plus de 200 personnes se sont réunies pour entendre les présentations de Bilal Elamine, l’ancien rédacteur en chef du magazine Left Turn, qui habite à Beyrouth, et de Brian Aboud, sociologue et historien actif dans Tadamon! De plus, le documentaire de la cinéaste libanaise Carol Mansour “Un été à ne pas oublier”, sur l’attaque israélienne contre le Liban en 2006, a été projeté pour la première fois au Canada.

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Projection: Le mur de fer

    Un documentaire de Mohammed Alatar


    Jeudi, 18 octobre à 19h00 (v. française)
    Jeudi, 18 octobre à 21h00 (v. anglaise)

    Un soir seulement! au Cinéma du Parc.
    Cette soirée est organisée par Palestiniens et Juifs Unis PAJU.

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Événements à venir
