Artistes Anti Apartheid XVIII
- Rebel Diaz dans le cadre de la Semaine contre l’Apartheid Israélien 2012
- Dimanche 11 mars 2012
Ouverture 20h, 10 $ en avance et 12$ sur place
O Patro Vys
356 avenue du Mont-Royal est
Montreal, Quebec
événement facebook
Tadamon! statement by Freda Guttman for International Women’s Day protest.
This International Women’s Day, we recognize the struggles of Palestinian women in their fight against an entrenched system of discrimination and segregation. Khitam Saafin, chair woman of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees describes the challenges that Palestinian women face.
“The first challenge is the occupation itself. The occupation is a crime as are its policies and strategies against our people – arresting of people, confiscation of land, taking of water sources, the checkpoints and other means of restricting our movement, the siege of Gaza – all these are considered to be crimes against humanity in violation of International laws. The burden of massive oppression in any society, as we know, falls on the shoulders of women.
The second challenge is the traditional society which is still considered an obstacle towards full equality, dealing with woman as equal people in Palestinian society. We know that this social challenge is a global challenge for women, even in countries which have secular or more equal laws, based on a historical discrimination against women.”
A Discussion with Egyptian journalist and activist Deena Gamil also featuring musical performances. In conjunction with Israeli Apartheid Week Montreal 2012
Photo: Les jeunes réfugiés palestiniens dans le camp de réfugiés d’Aida en Cisjordanie, en Palestine.
Les étudiants contre l’apartheid israélien de Régina (SAIA) sont heureux de vous annoncer qu’une motion a été adoptée à l’Université par le Syndicat étudiant de Régina AGM pour soutenir l’appel Palestinien au boycott, désinvestissement et sanctions (BDS), comme un moyen de faire pression sur Israël afin que ce dernier respecte le droit international et les droits humains.
La 8ième edition de la Semaine contre l’Apartheid Israélien présentera une série de conférences, atellier, projection de film, manifestation et évènements culturels, dans le but de sensibiliser et conscientiser le public à la campagne de Boycott, Desinvestissment, et Sanctions (BDS) contre l’apartheid israélien.
photo essay by Darren Ell on Palestine solidarity rally at Occupy Montreal/Occupons Montréal denouncing Israeli military raid on Freedom Waves flotilla to Gaza.
emergency Montreal protest for solidarity for struggle for democracy in Egypt.
Manifestation urgente en collaboration avec Occupy Montreal/Occupons Montréal pour dénoncer le raid militaire israélien contre la Flotille de la Liberté voguant vers Gaza.
No matter how it unfolds, the Egyptian revolution will go down in the history books as a defining moment in the 21st century. Millions of Egyptians brought down one of the world’s most repressive regimes, that of the U.S.-backed Hosni Mubarak, in just 18 days. Their bravery, perseverance, and tactfulness in the face of the regime’s brutal crackdown not only triggered uprisings across the Arab world but inspired and influenced protests against government austerity in the U.S., Spain, Portugal, and Greece. Despite the fact that it is only a few months old, it’s important to begin piecing together a people’s history of the revolution to convey what happened and how it happened so that the lessons from this critical struggle can be disseminated.
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