All posts in category 'Tadamon!'

Sixty years of nakba; Sixty years of apartheid

April 24th, 2008 | Posted in Boycott, Canada, Lebanon, Palestine, Politics, Quebec, Repression, Tadamon!

    Join the Boycott Apartheid bloc…


    Saturday, May 10th, 1pm
    Dorchester Square
    (Peel & René-Lévesque)
    Montreal, Quebec

    as part of the CJPP demonstration to mark the 60th year of the Nakba


Jewish people stand for free speech on the CALEB/Tadamon! conference

    April 20th, 2008: To the administration at Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne


    Mesdames, Monsieurs,

We write to urge you not to cancel a joint conference by Comité d’action pour la lutte étudiante boulonnaise (CALEB) and Tadamon! April 21 on Israel and Palestine. Behind this censorship attempt appears to be a false belief that critics of Israel are anti-Semitic, or anti-Jewish to be precise. The Jewish people in Quebec and Canada are divided on the issues of Israel and Palestine. There are many Jewish people like us who support open discussion and activities for Palestinian human rights, and oppose the Israeli occupation and suppression of the Palestinian people.


Censorship at Cégep Bois de Boulogne

April 21st, 2008 | Posted in Boycott, Canada, Lebanon, Palestine, Politics, Repression, Solidarity, Tadamon!

    Administration cancels workshop critical of Canadian support for Israel…


    Call for Solidarity: Montreal, 21 April 2008

ASSÉ, CALEB and Tadamon! denounce the decision of a Montreal college to cancel a presentation critical of Canadian support for Israel. The workshop, scheduled to have taken place today, was canceled after the administration of Collège Bois-de-Boulogne came under pressure from supporters of Israel. This attack on basic freedom of expression is all the more disturbing because it occurs on a campus.


Middle East Popular Education Project II

Tadamon! & l’Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ) present…


A popular education initiative in Montreal emerging from social justice networks struggling against racism, war and occupation from the Middle East to Montreal…

Monday, April 21st 12Noon, Cégep Bois de Boulogne
student-run café: le Caféinné
10 555 ave du Bois-de-Boulogne, Montréal
Hosted by Comité d’action pour la lutte étudiante boulonnaise (CALEB)

Tuesday, April 22nd, 12:30, Cégep Drummondville
960 rue St-Georges, Drummondville
Hoted by l’Association générale étudiante du Cégep de Drummondville

Wednesday, April 23rd 1pm Cégep de St-Jérôme
455 rue Fournier, St-Jérôme
Hosted by l’Association étudiante du Cégep de St-Jérôme (AGES)

Wednesday, April 23rd 12Noon Collège de Lionel-Groulx
100 rue Duquet, Ste-Thérèse
Hosted by l’Association générale étudiante du Collège de Lionel-Groulx (AGECLG)

Wednesday, April 23rd 7pm, Sherbrooke
Le Tremplin, 97 rue Wellington Sud, Sherbrooke
Une présentation de l’Association étudiante du Cégep de Sherbrooke (AÉCS)

Thursday, April 24th 6pm, QPIRG McGill
3647 University St. (metro McGill)
Hosted by Grassroots Association for Student Power (GRASP)

Saturday, April 26th 2:30 – 4:30pm @ MUCS
Hosted by Montreal Freeschool
2000 Northcliffe x. Maisoneuve, #218, Metro Vendome
(enter by the driveway at the north side of the building)


Photos: Against Apartheid in Montreal

April 11th, 2008 | Posted in Boycott, Canada, Independent Media, Palestine, Politics, Quebec, Tadamon!

    Report from photojournalist Ion Etxebarria.


Anti-apartheid protesters scatter political confetti at a lunch-in at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, reading; “60 years of Israeli Apartheid, 60 years of Palestinian dispossession; Boycott Israel!”

Photos documenting a successfully disruption at a lunch-in sponsored by the Quebec-Israel Committee, marking “60 years of relationship” between Canada and Israel. After effectively evading hotel security and the Montreal police, social justice activists burst into the appointed conference room, abruptly bringing to a halt the pro-apartheid discourse of Israel’s ambassador to Canada…


Confronting Israeli Apartheid in Montreal

    Activists disrupt Israeli Ambassador to Canada…


    Photo: Ion Etxebarria. Protest-confetti scattered at the Queen Elizabeth.

Thursday, April 10th, 2008: Israel’s Ambassador to Canada, Alan Baker, was humiliated by demonstrators at the posh Queen Elizabeth Hotel in downtown Montreal.

Protestors successfully disrupted a lunch-in sponsored by the Quebec-Israel Committee, marking “60 years of relationship” between Canada and Israel. After effectively evading hotel security and the Montreal police, social justice activists burst into the appointed conference room, abruptly bringing to a halt the pro-apartheid discourse of Israel’s ambassador to Canada.


Le Devoir: Des activistes troublent la conférence de l’ambassadeur d’Israël au Canada

    Le Devoir. Claude Lévesque. Jeudi 10 avril 2008


    Photo: Ion Etxebarria.

L’ambassadeur d’Israël au Canada, Alan Baker, était venu parler hier des 60 ans de relations entre les deux pays et plaider pour leur approfondissement dans les domaines économique et culturel. L’intervention d’environ 25 manifestants l’a cependant obligé à aborder aussi des questions plus politiques, dont, évidemment, le conflit israélo-palestinien.

L’ambassadeur Baker venait de rappeler que le Canada est un des 30 États membres des Nations unies à avoir appuyé la création de l’État d’Israël, en 1947, lorsqu’un petit groupe d’activistes a réussi à pénétrer dans la salle de conférence de l’hôtel du centre-ville de Montréal où il prenait la parole, lançant des tracts et criant: «Israël hors de Palestine!» et «Non à l’apartheid israélien!»


Apartheid: from South Africa to Palestine

    opening panel at Study in Action…


    THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 6:30pm
    De Sève Cinema
    1400 de Maisonneuve West
    Concordia University, Library Building
    (metro Guy-Concordia)


Tadamon! répond à un article de La Presse

    Tadamon! répond à un article de La Presse.


L’article de La Presse, paru samedi, le 8 mars 2008, page A24, sur la situation à Gaza, contient une affirmation erronée qu’il est nécessaire de corriger. A la fin de l’article, le collectif montréalais Tadamon! est qualifié par M. Elharrar, porte-parole du Comité Québec-Israël, de “groupe pro-Hezbollah”. A deux reprises, il utilise cette unique formulation pour appuyer, semble-t-il, l’accusation que le collectif ne voudrait pas la paix, alors que celui-ci participait à un regroupement d’ONG et de syndicats québécois s’étant réunis pour demander au Canada de dénoncer l’attaque israélienne contre Gaza.


Tadamon! Public Assembly

    open assembly calling for participation in Tadamon!’s current campaigns…


    SUNDAY, APRIL 6th, 1:30pm
    School of Community & Public Affairs
    Concordia University
    2149 Mackay Street
    (métro Guy-Concordia)


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